Welcome to Year 6

Class Teacher: Mrs Welsh

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Newsome and Mrs Menzies

PE Day: Friday

Class Saint: St Vincent De Paul

Welcome to Year Six



In Year 6 we set homework for English  and Maths on Atom Learning every Friday and this is due to be completed by the following Wednesday. We also have a weekly spellings, these are sent out half termly and are tested on a Friday. 

PE Day is every Friday.

Please send your child to school in their St Johns PE kit every Friday.

No jewellery is to be worn and hair longer than shoulder length should always be tied up. Earrings should be removed or covered in tape before coming to school.

Forest School

Each half term the children will have the opportunity to participate in Forest School. Parents will be informed of the dates nearer the time via Marvellous Me.

For more information on your child’s learning journey in Year 6 please refer to the Curriculum and Wider Learning Journey document.

Year 6 Curriculum and Wider Learning Overview