The National Curriculum sets out the clear full statutory entitlement to learning for all pupils. The core subjects are English, Mathematics and Science. St John’s is a Catholic Primary School and Religious Education is also a Core Subject. As part of Shrewsbury Diocese, we follow the scheme of work, ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’, through which the children are enabled to explore what it means to be a Christian. ‘It is Jesus who said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. So it is Jesus who shows us the Way to lead a good and happy life. He tells us the Truth about God and he gives us new Life in the sacraments’. (Cardinal Vincent Nichols)
Curriculum Statement 2023 and onwards
Shrewsbury Diocese
If you require any additional information about the curriculum we follow in school please visit the Shrewsbury Diocese website here and click on the ‘Education’ tab. From here you can navigate to any aspect of the curriculum we follow within ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ that is necessary.
The foundation subjects are Art, Geography, History, Design Technology, Computing, Music, Personal Social Emotional and Citizenship, Understanding Our World and Physical Education. Each child attends a daily act of worship.
Children are taught in single age classes for all subjects.
At St John’s, we teach using a variety of approaches and strategies including individual teaching, whole class teaching, group teaching and mixed aged teaching. Where possible cross curricular links are used to create theme based learning around a particular topic to make learning meaningful, relevant and fun.
More focused discrete subject teaching also has a place in our curriculum and the progression of skills in individual subjects is addressed through our whole school planning system.
These pages provide information on the classes. Please use the sublinks to view each class page.